Career-Long Training
We learn throughout our lives: we read books and articles, learn how to use new technology, learn through experiences, etc. This is called “lifelong learning.” We think “career-long training,” across companies and positions, is equally important. Sure, employees are free to learn whatever they like in their free time, and most do express the desire to learn and train in new areas. But without a set-aside time and pressure to learn, many busy professionals simply don’t. It’s just like when you were in school. Think about it: when do most people study? The night before the exam, right? In the life-sciences world this just won’t work. The industry and (especially) its technology is constantly evolving and changing with better scientific understanding and new breakthroughs, such as personalized medicine, biomarkers, med tech and gene therapy. Even if your job isn’t specifically tied to one of these cutting-edge fields, if you work in this industry you need to keep abreast of what’s going on in it. For example, Seuss+ consultants need to know the latest and greatest pharma science, as these influence the market as a whole. Not to mention that our ability to build strong partnerships depends on our ability to understand what every party needs and can offer each other. It’s critical for everyone in the life-sciences industry to continuously learn. In Abraham Lincoln’s words:“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”He didn’t mean he was procrastinating the real work; he meant he was preparing his tools to attack the real work most effectively. When we train employees, we sharpen their skills (the axes in our trade), break monotony and motivate through learning.
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Training Costs Considered
The single most common reason companies don’t engage in more on-going training activities is that they think they are too expensive, both in terms of real costs and the time spent by employees. However, what these companies often forget are the costs of not training. How much a company’s bottom line can be dented by letting new knowledge and developments pass them by. We’ve noticed that it’s not training that tends to be more expensive in the long run.Your Other Employee Training Options
Training doesn’t need to have a high price tag. Consider online training, for example. Or the knowledge and talent you have right there in-house by having team members take turns presenting ideas and expertise to each other. This is one of the many types of training that we do, and all it costs is an hour of everyone’s time and the cost of lunch, or an evening pizza. And it’s a lot of fun too! You can watch webinars together or let people take turns presenting the cool new trends they’ve been following in the industry. Or when a team member is attending a conference, that person can then present what they have learned to the rest of the team. You don’t always have to put together slick PowerPoint presentations; a laid-back conversation can be much more engaging anyway. So, yes, we think that no matter how clever and dedicated your team, its members do need some company-directed learning and training opportunities. The leaders do, too! Be creative; make it fun and interactive (no “stuck behind a desk listening to the teacher”—yawn) and you’ll find your team starts looking forward to training, each member coming away more energized about the company and their role in it.Isn’t that we all want: a team of well-versed, knowledgeable and passionate experts? YES. Furthermore, we simply just can’t afford the alternative…Do you want to empower your team, elevate your managers, create your next generation leaders, overcome inefficiencies, boost your sales team or enhance collaboration within and between teams and departments? Just talk to us and learn how we can create a fun and tailored solution for your team.
Ready to train your employees, teams and executives?
Download our corporate training brochure and learn more about our tailored experiential workshops and training programs that drive high-performing teams, accelerate innovation and activate a growth mindset.