Choose your CRO, vendor, or specialty supplier with confidence

Start your trial on track, on time, and in control of the budget with a comprehensive Vendor Selection Process for life sciences with Seuss+.

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Data-Informed, Relationship-Focused: Elevate Your Life Science Supplier Selection Process

As a biotech or sponsor, you likely will partner with vendors to have the data to ensure the next inflection point. But how will you ensure your trial runs smoothly, on budget, and on time? Choosing the wrong vendor isn’t just inconvenient; it can mean huge costs, missed timelines, and even the end of your clinical trial.

The best way to find the optimal partner for your trial is to undertake a comprehensive vendor selection process that begins by mapping out your risks and focuses on people, to determine the capabilities and culture you need in a vendor.

We bring a team of vendor selection experts – including data analysts, strategists, clinical experts – to take a holistic approach to vendor selection. Our vendor selection experts follow our proven and effective vendor selection process, working efficiently to help you meet the study startup timeline and enabling you to focus on what matters most: running your trial.

What you get:

  • Time to focus on your work: we deliver a fully managed process, from Alignment Meeting to Contract Negotiation
  • Data and insights that empower your decision: you get an apples-to-apples comparison in our bespoke RFP Analysis report
  • Confidence to start your partnership: our holistic process means you can rely on your decision, and we’ll deliver board-ready slides to support your choice of vendor

Whether you’re looking for a lab or logistics supplier, a specialty provider, or a full service CRO, we can support you, from alignment to award.

vendor selection for life science

Benefit from our unrivaled clinical research consulting and clinical trial experience

We conduct market scans (RFI) and supplier selections for a wide variety of organizations following a formal supplier selection process to ensure maximum quality and speed. We have experience with sourcing life science suppliers like these:


  • Full service CROs – We know the ins and outs of the complex CRO selection process and can help, whether you are a large biopharma or a small one poised to initiate clinical trials.
  • Specialty providers – We are experienced in facilitating vendor selections in biostatistics, auditors, legal, regulatory, and more speciality providers.
  • Digital technology – We have extensive experience in selecting digital technology vendors for eCOA/ePRO, EDC, eTMF, eISF, eQMS, wearables, and more.
  • Medical call center – Our experienced team collaborates with specialized providers offering communication and support services to healthcare and life science organizations. To enhance the patient experience, streamline processes, and boost organizational effectiveness and productivity.
  • CMC suppliers – We can source CMC (chemistry, manufacturing, and controls) suppliers such as drug substance, drug product, and packaging.
  • Logistics suppliers – We have experience with outsourcing logistics companies (e.g., warehousing, picking, packing, and shipping).
  • Lab suppliers – We help find the best-fit lab suppliers. We have experience running vendor selections for central lab, bioanalytical, immune monitoring, etc. 
Vendor selection

A bespoke supplier selection process that meets your needs 

Whether you’re looking for a lab or logistics supplier, a specialty provider, or a full service CRO, we can support you, from alignment to award. Our 6-step life science vendor selection process is built on a decade of experience and insights, which means you can apply our collective knowledge to your life science vendor strategy.

Step 1

Alignment Meeting

Together, we assess your risks and determine your service and culture requirements.

Step 2

Market Scan

Let us undertake in-depth research of the complete market to develop a shortlist of potential vendors that meet your critical needs.

Step 3

RFP Creation

Based on the Alignment Meeting and Market Scan, we build a bespoke RFP that will generate usable data and insights.

Step 4

RFP Analysis

We analyze the comparable data collected from potential vendors to inform your decisions.

Step 5

Bid Defense

We organize and facilitate your bid defense meeting, with defined exercises that give you confidence in your decision.

Step 6

Contract Negotiation

We apply our commercial experience to get you the best terms and conditions in your new partnership.

Our team of experts takes a holistic approach

By focusing on culture as well as capabilities, you look at the people, not just the service they offer. This ensures the strategic vendor partnership fits your company and your requirements.

We begin by assessing your risks

Risk-based analysis means you look for weaknesses in your trial and choose a vendor that can strengthen them, mitigating your risk.

We tailor our support based on your needs

With optional add-ons, including our Digital Innovation Landscape Assessment and Vendor and Sponsor Study Team Dynamics Workshop, you can build the bespoke process you need.

Inspection-ready documentation

At the end of the process, we will deliver all the documentation you need to be compliant, as well as board-ready slides to support your decision.

We manage the vendor selection process, end-to-end

Our team of experts take care of everything, from setting up and facilitating meetings to analyzing data, so you can focus on what matters most: running your trial.

RFP Analysis report

Our bespoke report, from an RFP based on your requirements, provides an apples-to-apples comparison, so the data and insights from the process can empower your decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a vendor selection process?

Skipping the vendor selection process or rushing to choose a supplier can result in switching further down the line. This will not only set your trial back, but it puts you at risk of shutting down. With a full vendor selection process, you carry out due diligence that assures your decision and protects your investment in the vendor.

Why can’t I just choose a CRO I’ve used before?

You can choose a familiar CRO, but we don’t recommend this approach without completing at least a comparison between two CROs. At minimum, you will need to have qualified that the CRO selected was re-qualified for the new study. Every trial has unique requirements, so it’s not always the case that a vendor that was right for one trial will be right for another.

Carrying out a comprehensive vendor selection process that starts by mapping out the requirements of your trial helps you generate information from prospective vendors that can support your decision.

I have a template RFP from another trial, can I use that?

You could use a template RFP, and we have seen many companies do this over the last decade. However, it won’t give you the data and insights you need to make an informed decision that’s right for your trial.

An effective RFP is built on your individual needs and culture, and it generates apples-to-apples data you can use to choose your best-fit vendor. A template RFP won’t do this. Most likely, it will bring reams of input you’re unable to compare, wasting your time and that of the potential vendors.

I don’t have much budget, isn’t it cheaper to do this in-house?

In short, no, and it could be even more expensive in the long run. We know budget can be a concern for emerging biotechs; that’s why it’s so important to choose the right vendor first time. Choosing the wrong partner might result in switching vendors during your trial, which can shut everything down.

You could carry out the vendor selection process in-house, if you have the people and the time. However, in our experience, it can take many months longer this way, incurring even higher costs along the way. And the likelihood is you’re on a tight timeline to start your trial.

Investing in an independent third party to support your vendor selection can save you money down the line. Our experts can manage the process for you, making sure you stick to your timeline and avoid those hidden costs later in the trial.


Seuss+’s CRO and vendor selection services include facilitation of the entire process, using a formal selection process and each offering uniquely contigured to each client’s specific vendor requirements and project objectives. Here are some related services:

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